The late Seth Wallace, from Waynesboro, Virginia, tragically passed away on June 12, 2024. Seth was only 22 years old when he was shot nine times on May 25, 2024. Tyler King, a close friend whom Seth considered a brother, organized a fundraiser to cover his cremation expenses and to support causes Seth was passionate about. The fundraiser, titled "Support Seth’s Final Journey and Legacy," has raised $3,740 of its $5,000 goal from 37 donations, with the top donation being $1,000 from Bradley Puckett.
Seth Wallace was described as a hardworking young man who was just beginning to enjoy life. His untimely death, caused by a senseless act of violence, has left his family and friends in deep sorrow. Tyler King, in his heartfelt message on the fundraiser page, expressed his grief and the hope that Seth is now in a better place.
The news of Seth’s passing has resonated deeply within the community, as evidenced by the numerous heartfelt messages posted on Facebook:
- Tyler J King shared, "SPREAD YOUR WINGS AND FLY. Seth Wallace I know you’re in a better place watching over us. Sit by the fire. We all say too late, if I would have known I would have done more, but bro, we had a good ride. It’s not goodbye, it’s until I see you again. I love you, bro."
- Juanita Faith Sprouse simply said, "So sorry for your loss."READ ALSO: Seth Mcrae
- Scott Simons posted, "RIP Seth."
- Laura Campbell expressed, "No words!"
- Vicki Powers Puckett commented, "My heart is broken in a million pieces."
- Chelsea Doss Morris sent her prayers, stating, "Sending prayers to you and the family at this time. I’m so sorry for your loss."
- Sherri May reflected on Seth’s character, "I’m so sorry, he was a well-mannered young kid. Prayers for family and friends."
- Ernie Lowry offered his prayers and thoughts, "My prayers and thoughts are with Seth’s family and friends. I pray that God comforts each and every one of you. My love to you all."
- Cynthia Taylor shared her personal grief, "I’m going to miss him so much. I love you, Seth Wallace. You will forever and always be my TikTok husband."READ ALSO: Braxton Bullard
- Kelly McConville couldn’t believe the news, saying, "No, no, absolutely no…this is not true…please tell me this isn’t happening."
The outpouring of support and love from the community highlights the impact Seth had on those around him. His passing has left a void in the hearts of many, but his memory and legacy continue to live on through the efforts of his loved ones and the community’s collective support.
Note:This post was written and edited by Scarlett Sanchez, based on their expertise and research. It is intended for informational purposes only. It does not constitute legal advice. We welcome your feedback and questions on this content. Please feel free to contact us.
Bobby grissom jr
Gonna miss ya bud. We all love ya! A true angel has gained his wings fly high brother!