The late Maribel Castro from Lancaster tragically passed away this weekend in a devastating head-on collision. Her untimely death has left the community and her family in deep sorrow and shock. Maribel was known for her vibrant personality and as a dedicated mother. She leaves behind her precious son, who now faces a future without his loving mother.
Lisa Martinez, a close friend, has organized a GoFundMe campaign titled "Honoring a Precious Soul for Maribel After this TRAGIC LOSS" to raise funds for Maribel’s funeral expenses and to support her son. As of today, the fundraiser has raised $975 out of a $40,000 goal, with donations from 15 contributors, including Carla Paz, Isabela Rosales, and Melanie Melendez.
Maribel’s death has touched many in the community. Amber Davis expressed her grief on Facebook, saying she "went to sleep crying and woke up heartbroken." Niara Wilson, recalling their middle school friendship, shared her disbelief and sadness, stating, "Our middle school friend passed away." Mikeesa Wilson also expressed shock with an "Omg noo!!" comment.
The GoFundMe campaign reflects the urgent need to cover funeral expenses and provide for Maribel’s son. Lisa Martinez, the organizer, emphasized the collective effort required during this challenging time, saying, "Your kindness and generosity are deeply appreciated. Thank you for standing with us in our time of grief."
Despite the overwhelming sorrow, the community’s response shows a strong sense of solidarity and support, demonstrating the impact Maribel had on those around her.
Note:This post was written and edited by Leah Nelson, based on their expertise and research. It is intended for informational purposes only. It does not constitute legal advice. We welcome your feedback and questions on this content. Please feel free to contact us.