Patricia Bayne Koonce, a beloved mother and community volunteer from Santa Rosa Beach, Florida, tragically passed away after a car accident on her way home from Christmas shopping. Patricia, fondly known as "Patty," was a dedicated mother to her three children, Terry Beth, Alex Koonce, and a pillar in her community, especially known for her involvement with local schools and volunteer work.
Patty was a figure of strength and kindness, having recently overcome breast cancer, and she dedicated much of her time to bettering her community. Her efforts as a "Master Gardener" added beauty to Walton County, with her hard work evident in the landscapes around the area. Her children, Alex and Terry, have been praised for their dedication to their school, with Terry leading the South Walton High School dance team to great success and Alex excelling in soccer.
As news of Patty’s passing spread, many shared their fond memories and expressed heartfelt condolences. Nick Koonce, her son, shared on social media, "Time, where did it go? I took time for granted!!! Last week she was walking around in my yard, and now I’m reading a memory." Others, like Ryan Griffith, also shared their thoughts, with him saying, "May she rest easy," and Justin Powell offering his sympathy, "So sorry for your loss Nick."
In this difficult time, Josette Rhodes has organized a fundraiser to help Patty’s children with the funeral and related costs. The goal of $4,000 has been set, and donations are already coming in to support the family. The community’s outpouring of love and support is evident, as friends and acquaintances of Patty continue to express their sorrow and gratitude for the impact she made on their lives.
We extend our deepest condolences to Patty’s family. Our thoughts and prayers are with you during this heartbreaking time.
Short Summary of Patricia Bayne Koonce
Aspect | Details |
Name | Patricia Bayne Koonce |
Date of Passing | Recently |
Fundraiser Created By | Josette Rhodes |
Goal Amount | $4,000 |
Location | Santa Rosa Beach, FL |
Purpose | Funeral expenses and related costs |
Note:This post was written and edited by James Robinson, based on their expertise and research. It is intended for informational purposes only. It does not constitute legal advice. We welcome your feedback and questions on this content. Please feel free to contact us.