John Dowlin, a beloved resident of West Philadelphia, has passed away, leaving behind a family striving to fulfill his final wishes. His daughter, Debby Dowlin, is organizing a fundraiser to ensure that her father has a beautiful and lasting memorial at Woodlands Cemetery, a place John deeply cherished.
Debby has already secured funds for most of the funeral expenses, including the cemetery plot, burial, cremation, and memorial event costs. However, she is currently seeking support for the final $3,000 needed for a headstone that will bear her father’s name.
In her heartfelt message, Debby expressed how important it is to her to have a place to visit and remember her father, reflecting on how much peace and comfort it would bring her. She hopes that the cemetery, with its peaceful trees and birds of West Philadelphia, will serve as a serene place to honor John’s memory.
Two donations have been made so far, raising $400 toward the goal. Nancy Drye contributed $100, and an anonymous donor gave $300, helping Debby get closer to her fundraising target.
The family remains hopeful that the community will come together to support this loving tribute to John Dowlin.
We are deeply saddened to hear of John Dowlin’s passing. Our thoughts and prayers are with Debby and her family during this difficult time.
Short Summary of John Dowlin
Aspect | Details |
Name | John Dowlin |
Fundraiser Created By | Debby Dowlin |
Goal Amount | $3,000 |
Amount Raised | $400 |
Location | West Philadelphia, PA |
Purpose | Headstone for John Dowlin at Woodlands Cemetery |
Note:This post was written and edited by Chloe Lewis, based on their expertise and research. It is intended for informational purposes only. It does not constitute legal advice. We welcome your feedback and questions on this content. Please feel free to contact us.