James "Jimmy" Thomas, a beloved father, friend, and community member, has passed away, leaving his family and friends heartbroken. James was tragically struck by a vehicle while riding his bike, and the accident has left his loved ones in deep sorrow.
His family, including his children Stephanie, David, and Troy, have been touched by the overwhelming outpouring of support from their community. James had always been known for his kindness, compassion, and willingness to help others. His only wish was to be buried near his first-born son, Michael, who tragically passed away at a young age. His family is now working to honor this final wish.
A GoFundMe campaign has been set up to assist with the funeral and memorial expenses, with a goal of alleviating the financial burden during this difficult time. As of now, the fundraiser has raised $920 thanks to generous contributions from friends and community members, including Danielle Healy, who donated $200, and others who have given $100 or more.
Danielle Healy shared a heartfelt message on Facebook: “Appreciate all your kind prayers and thoughts.” The family’s gratitude for the outpouring of love is evident, and they find solace in knowing that James’ memory will continue to inspire those who knew him.
Our thoughts and prayers are with James’ family as they navigate this painful loss. May they find comfort in the love and support surrounding them.
We extend our deepest sympathies to his children, family, and friends. May James rest in peace.
Short Summary of James "Jimmy" Thomas
Aspect | Details |
Name | James "Jimmy" Thomas |
Date of Passing | Recently |
Fundraiser Created By | Kate Nelson |
Goal Amount | Funeral and memorial expenses |
Amount Raised | $920 |
Location | Not specified |
Purpose | Funeral expenses and memorial service |
Note:This post was written and edited by Aubrey Jones, based on their expertise and research. It is intended for informational purposes only. It does not constitute legal advice. We welcome your feedback and questions on this content. Please feel free to contact us.