Craig John Waddington, fondly known as "Waddy," has passed away, and his family is in the process of raising funds for his funeral. His sisters, Emma and Katie Waddington, have shared that they are struggling to cover the cost of his final farewell. In an effort to give Craig a proper send-off, a fundraiser has been set up to raise £1,500, which will act as a deposit to secure the funeral arrangements.
The fundraiser, organized by Emma Waddington, has received significant support from friends, colleagues, and those who knew Craig. Antony Kirman generously donated £720, making him the top donor, while Kathryn Broome and Clare Bowen have also contributed, with donations of £25 and £30, respectively. The family expressed their gratitude for the support received so far, but they are still in need of more contributions to reach their goal.
Craig was well-liked and loved by many, and his family is hoping for a large turnout at the funeral to honor his memory. Emma Waddington has assured donors that the funds will be used solely for the funeral, managed by Emotions, a local service.
Our thoughts and prayers are with the Waddington family as they navigate this difficult time. May Craig John Waddington rest in peace.
Short Summary of Craig John Waddington "Waddy"
Aspect | Details |
Name | Craig John Waddington "Waddy" |
Fundraiser Created By | Emma Waddington |
Goal Amount | £1,500 |
Top Donation | £720 (Antony Kirman) |
Recent Donation | £25 (Kathryn Broome) |
First Donation | £30 (Clare Bowen) |
Location | England |
Purpose | Funeral expenses, deposit for arrangements |
Note:This post was written and edited by Owen Lopez, based on their expertise and research. It is intended for informational purposes only. It does not constitute legal advice. We welcome your feedback and questions on this content. Please feel free to contact us.