Arthur Durnan, affectionately known as "Tich," has passed away unexpectedly, leaving the Provanhall community in deep sadness. His passing occurred in the early hours of Wednesday, October 9th, and has profoundly affected his family, friends, and all who knew him.
Arthur, a well-known and kind-hearted man, was loved by many in Provanhall and the surrounding areas. He leaves behind a grieving family, including his wife, two sons, a daughter, six grandchildren, a son-in-law, two daughters-in-law, and extended family members from the Durnan and Main sides.
In memory of Arthur, a fundraiser has been organized by Charlene Law to support the family during this challenging time. The community has shown an outpouring of love and support, with many contributing to the fundraiser, which will help cover funeral expenses and other costs associated with his passing. The donations so far include contributions from Jacqueline Kerr, Nicola Toner, Tracey Cairns, Sharon Smith, and anonymous donors.
On Facebook, friends and family shared their heartfelt condolences. Jade Durnan shared her emotions, and the community rallied around her with words of support. Michelle X Maxwell wrote, "Jade Durnan I’m so sorry sending all my love & strength tell your mum we’re thinking of her xxx." Terri Donaghue added, "Aw jade my hearts breaking for you doll, if you need a wee chat I’m only a message away xxxx." Francesca McIntyre also offered comfort, "Sorry for ur loss Jade x," while Pamela Kerr expressed, "Can’t stop thinking about yous xxx." John Main encouraged strength with, "You keep strong hen it’s hard but you comfort ye mama." Llizz McGregor echoed the shared grief, "Hearts breaking for yous xx."
The loss of Arthur, a man described as generous and full of kindness, is felt deeply by those who knew him. His memory will live on in the hearts of his family and the entire Provanhall community.
We extend our thoughts and prayers to Arthur Durnan’s family and friends during this difficult time, hoping they find comfort in the outpouring of love and support.
Short Summary of Arthur Durnan
Aspect | Details |
Name | Arthur Durnan |
Date of Passing | 9th October 2024 |
Fundraiser Created By | Charlene Law |
Location | Provanhall |
Purpose | Funeral expenses and support for the family |
Recent Donors | Jacqueline Kerr, Nicola Toner, Tracey Cairns, Sharon Smith |
Note:This post was written and edited by Nathan Allen, based on their expertise and research. It is intended for informational purposes only. It does not constitute legal advice. We welcome your feedback and questions on this content. Please feel free to contact us.